Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas in Shey Town!

I Love Christmas so much! It is one of the best holidays. If only there was not so much snow and it was not so cold. However, we were able to make it to Sheyenne for Christmas this year, we were concerned with the weather announcements but we waited and left on Christmas Eve. We went to Diane and David Karlsbraaten's house, Miranda's aunt and uncles house, for dinner and some presents. The kids LOVED the homeade ice cream, which is a tradition that is super yummy! Let's not forget the lefsa! Thanks Diane! YUMMY!!! Jake and Ryan were not with on this Christmas, but we celebrate with them over the New Year.

Great Grandpa Axel with 4 of his great grandkids. Tavan and Danika are standing, Eli and Landon(My cousins little boy 5 mo.)

Poppa with his double trouble, Eli is on the left and Tavan is on the right.

Danika got a new baby Allie for Christmas plus a new cradle to let her sleep in, she loves her so much!

Granda Kenny with Danika and Tavan!

Danika is sprinkling her reindeer food on the ground, hoping that Santa and the reindeer will come and visit her and her brothers. Remember, this is the girl that screams when she has to chat with the guy but still wants him to come and visit her.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Danika’s Christmas Dance!


IMG_4568 Auntie Kyky and Uncle Toby
also came to see her!  She
was SO excited that they
were coming to see her. 
Thanks for making her day
she LOVED it!
Here is Danika’s very first
Dance Performance.  They
put on their xmas
performance at an Elderly
Home in Hawley, MN.  She
has been taking Dance
classes there since
September.  We were very excited to see what she
has learned.  Mommy was
pretty excited, driving
there with butterflies in
my stomach.  She did
great!!! We are so proud of
IMG_4533 Here are Daddy and Eli Left and Tavan Right and Jacob.  We were packing a crowd in there.  Unfortunately Ryan had a Cub Scout activity so could not make it.
Here Danika is with her Dance Instructor Amber, she loves her so much!  Thanks Amber!
IMG_4566 Her Dance class!  She is the middle on the end. IMG_4536
Here is Mommy with her
little Princess! 

"The Santa Scream Fest!"

We've been busy for the last year, but not much of an excuse for not updating our blog! I guess it's about time to catch up. Let's start with Christmas! We promise to start updating more frequently!

Here it is! The Annual Santa Visit. As you can see the twins are not a big fan. Eli is left and Tavan Right. Danika is not in this picture, she actually ran away! The last time I have posted on this Blog was last year at this time. My how time flies! Below we wrestled Danika into the picture, she had to sit on Mom's lap. Of course, Jake and Ryan are loving the guy in the Red suit! We were told that out kids had won the scream fest so far! We are SO proud!